President Trump with former President Obama and former Vice President Biden...
What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander





What's Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander

Dateline: March 18 2015, the exact date Joe Biden (the former Vice President of the US), threw his support behind the decision by INEC (Independent National Electoral Commission - Nigeria) to utilize card readers in a bid to prevent electoral malpractices.

I was angry after reading the report back in 2015. Why? Because Democrats always denounce laws that require valid form of ID at polling stations in the US. Such laws are tagged "voters’ suppression" by Democrats. Thus, what tag do you think Democrats will assign any attempt to validate voters card at polling stations in the US? Democrats along with their media and Hollywood henchmen will likely tag card readers as voters’ suppression on steroids! Yet Biden and Obama hoisted it on Nigerians!

Anyway, two-face Biden and the Obama's administration had their way, INEC deployed their partially tested card readers, Buhari won the election and Jonathan conceded like a perfect gentleman. However, did INEC card readers honestly prevented electoral frauds from occurring? Short answer: absolutely! How?

By making it harder to buy votes. Let me explain, party operatives often contact voters and offer to purchase their permanent voters’ cards and then vote on their behalf, or offer such voters money and ask them to vote for their candidates (erringly similar to what Ilhan Omar's supporters allegedly did in Minnesota).

Secondly, INEC card readers prevents ballot stuffing, how? Through two steps verification process. (1) Voters PVC cards are tested for authenticity. (2) Voter’s fingerprints are scanned to ensure they are eligible to vote. The process of accreditation is painfully slow, nonetheless, it eliminates as much fraud as possible.

Therefore, since Democrats hoisted the pain of card readers on Nigerians in the name of "securing free and fair elections" - Why are they doing their best to scuttle free and fair elections in the US by refusing basic ballot validation techniques in battleground states? After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, aren’t?

In conclusion, every news article on Biden’s support for card readers mysteriously disappeared online. Nonetheless, thank GOD for Wayback Machine, I located the only surviving digital article from 5 years ago, read it for yourself -- HERE -- .


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